What is cloud native cybersecurity?

Cloud native cybersecurity is a set of practices and technologies designed to secure cloud-native applications. Cloud-native applications are built using microservices and containers, and they are typically deployed on public cloud platforms. 

Some of the key principles of cloud native cybersecurity include:

  • DevSecOps: This is a methodology that integrates security into the development and operations process.
  • Zero trust: This is a security model that assumes that no one is trusted by default, and that all access to resources must be verified.
  • Microsegmentation: This is a security approach that divides an application into small, isolated segments.
  • Continuous monitoring: This is the process of constantly monitoring an application for security threats.
  • Remediation: This is the process of fixing security vulnerabilities.

How is cloud native cybersecurity different from traditional cybersecurity?

Cloud native cybersecurity differs from traditional security approaches in a number of ways. First, it is designed to be more dynamic and adaptable to the constantly changing nature of cloud environments. Second, it focuses on protecting the entire application stack, from infrastructure to code. Third, it emphasizes continuous monitoring and remediation.

What are the benefits of cloud native cybersecurity?

Here are some of the benefits of cloud native cybersecurity:

  • Reduced risk of attack: Cloud native cybersecurity helps to reduce the risk of attack by protecting the entire application stack.
  • Increased agility: Cloud native cybersecurity is designed to be more dynamic and adaptable to the constantly changing nature of cloud environments. This helps organizations to be more agile and responsive to change.
  • Improved compliance: Cloud native cybersecurity can help organizations to meet compliance requirements, such as those set by the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
  • Reduced costs: Cloud native cybersecurity can help organizations to reduce costs by eliminating the need for on-premises security infrastructure.